Boost Your SAT Score by 20%: Decode Tone and Perspective with 6 Pro Tips

Boost Your SAT Score by 20%: Decode Tone and Perspective with 6 Pro Tips

May 7, 2024

Understanding the author's tone and perspective is essential for achieving a high score on the SAT Reading section. Learn expert techniques for discerning tone and perspective, all tailored to the 2023-2024 SAT exams. By mastering this skill, you'll gain valuable insights into the meaning of passages and achieve higher scores in the SAT Reading section.

1. Read the entire text(s) before answering the questions

When you take the time to fully understand the context of a passage, you are able to pick up on subtle shifts in tone that you may have otherwise missed. By comprehending the entire scope of the text, you can better appreciate the author's intended meaning and gain a deeper understanding of the message they are trying to convey. It is important to read carefully and thoroughly to ensure that you do not overlook any important details or nuances that could alter your interpretation of the passage.

2. Read between the lines

In order to fully comprehend a written work, it is important to not only focus on the explicit message conveyed by the author, but also to pay attention to the underlying tone. The latter can often be inferred through careful analysis of the author's word choices and descriptions, as they tend to reflect their emotions and attitudes towards the subject matter. By taking the time to read between the lines and interpret the subtext, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the work and appreciate its nuances and complexities. Thus, it is crucial to approach any written work with a critical eye and an openness to multiple interpretations, as this can lead to a more enriching and fulfilling reading experience.

3. Take note of adjectives and adverbs used throughout the text

When reading a text, it is important to pay attention to the descriptive words used by the author. These words can provide valuable insights into the author's perspective and stance on the subject matter. As you read, it can be helpful to underline or highlight these descriptive words so that you can easily refer back to them later. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of the text and its underlying messages. Additionally, you may want to take note of how these descriptive words are used within the context of the text. Are they used to support a particular argument or point of view? Are they used to evoke certain emotions or feelings in the reader? By considering these questions, you can further analyze the text and develop your own interpretation of it.

4. Pay attention to specific details mentioned in the question

When reading a text, it is important to pay attention to the questions being asked, as they can guide your focus to a particular part of the text. However, it is also important to consider the details that are highlighted, as they often provide clues to the author's tone and intent. By carefully analyzing these details and considering their significance within the broader context of the text, you can gain a deeper understanding of the author's message and the purpose behind their writing. In this way, you can develop a more nuanced and informed perspective on the text, which will enable you to engage with it more meaningfully and effectively.

5. Consider the historical and cultural context

When analyzing the tone and perspective of a passage, it is important to consider the historical and cultural context in which it was written. Understanding the time period, social norms, and cultural values of the author can provide valuable insights into their perspective and attitude towards the subject matter. For example, a passage written during a time of war may have a more negative or pessimistic tone, while a passage written during a time of peace and prosperity may have a more positive or optimistic tone. By contextualizing the passage within its historical and cultural setting, you can gain a deeper understanding of the author's intended meaning and better analyze their tone and perspective.

6. Answer the question being asked

When attempting to analyze the tone or attitude of a passage, it is important to carefully read the question to ensure that you are addressing the specific aspect of tone or attitude required. It is possible that the overall tone of the passage may differ from the tone towards a specific detail, so it is necessary to pay close attention to the language used in order to fully understand the intended tone. As you read, try to identify any words or phrases that may indicate a particular tone, such as positive or negative connotations, sarcasm, or humor, and take note of how these elements contribute to the overall tone of the passage. By thoroughly analyzing the language and context of the passage, you will be better equipped to accurately identify and describe its tone or attitude.

An open book displaying colorful notes, mindmap, and flowchart
Answer the question being asked

Examples of tone and attitude questions and answers

Tone and attitude questions on the SAT test your ability to grasp the author's emotions and sentiments towards the subject matter. Let's explore some examples:

Question 1

What is the author's tone in this passage?

The sun was shining bright and the birds were chirping in the trees. The flowers were in full bloom, adding to the beauty of the day. It was a perfect day for a picnic in the park.

✅ Answer: The passage describes a pleasant scene with bright sunshine, chirping birds, and blooming flowers. These details create a happy and joyful atmosphere. The lack of any negative language or descriptions further reinforces the positive tone of the passage. Therefore, one can conclude that the author's tone is indeed positive and conveys a sense of joy and happiness.

Question 2

What is the author's attitude towards the city in this passage?

The city streets were crowded with people rushing to and fro, cars honking and engines revving. Pollution hung heavy in the air, making it difficult to breathe. It was a chaotic scene, devoid of any peace or tranquility.

✅ Answer: The author's attitude is negative because of the use of words such as "crowded," "chaotic," "devoid of any peace or tranquility," and "difficult to breathe," which convey a sense of discomfort and unease. These words suggest that the author has a negative view of the city and its environment. Furthermore, the author's use of sensory language, such as "pollution hung heavy in the air," creates a vivid image of the city as an unpleasant and unhealthy place. Overall, the author's choice of language and descriptions in the passage indicate a negative attitude towards the city.


1. What are tones in SAT reading?

Tones refer to the author's attitude towards the subject matter. It can be positive, negative, neutral, or a combination of these. Understanding tone is crucial to comprehending the deeper meaning of a text. Examples of tones in a text can include positive (e.g. enthusiastic, hopeful), negative (e.g. critical, pessimistic), or neutral (e.g. objective, factual). For instance, a positive tone might be conveyed through the use of upbeat language and optimistic descriptions, while a negative tone might be conveyed through the use of harsh language and critical evaluations. A neutral tone might be conveyed through the use of objective language and unbiased descriptions.

2. How do you identify the author's tone and point of view?

When you're trying to identify the tone of a piece of writing, it's important to delve deeper than just the surface-level words. It's not just about what the author is saying, but how they're saying it. That's why it's crucial to pay attention to the words, phrases, and even punctuation that the author uses. All of these elements can provide insight into the tone of a text.

Another important aspect to consider is the point of view of the narrator. This refers to the perspective from which the story is being told. Is it being narrated in first-person, third-person, or perhaps even second-person? Each of these perspectives can have a significant impact on the tone of the story. For example, a first-person point of view may allow the reader to feel more connected to the narrator's emotions and experiences, while a third-person point of view may provide a more objective, detached view of the events. By considering both the tone and point of view of a text, you can gain a more in-depth understanding of the author's intentions and the message they're trying to convey.

3. What are the three types of passages on the SAT?

The SAT Reading section is a crucial component of the SAT exam. It requires the test taker to read and analyze passages from different fields of knowledge such as literature, history/social studies, and science. The three types of passages included in this section are designed to test the test taker's reading comprehension, and ability to identify tone and perspective. It is important to note that each passage may require different techniques to identify tone and perspective. The Literature passages may require the reader to focus on the author's use of language, while the History/Social Studies passages may require the reader to pay attention to historical context. Similarly, the Science passages may require the reader to have a basic understanding of scientific concepts and vocabulary. Therefore, it is important for the test taker to have a diverse range of reading skills to perform well on the SAT Reading section.


Congratulations! You've unlocked the power to dissect tone and author's perspective like a seasoned SAT pro. These skills will not only enhance your understanding of passages but also pave the way for higher scores in the SAT Reading section. Remember, consistent practice and thoughtful analysis of text are your allies on this journey. To further sharpen your SAT skills and learn smart, not hard, sign up for Aha’s AI learning platform. Get ready to conquer the SAT with confidence!

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