A student taking an exam in a focused manner
Study Plan

Boost Your SAT Score by 200 Points with Sarah's Ultimate Study Plan

May 7, 2024

Welcome to this comprehensive SAT preparation guide, a treasure trove of valuable tips and strategies meticulously curated to help you achieve your best score on the SAT. Whether you're just embarking on your SAT journey, eager to conquer the test's challenges, or searching for highly effective study methods to enhance your performance, you've come to the right place. This guide is your ultimate companion, designed to empower and guide you every step of the way, ensuring you have all the tools you need for SAT success. So, let's dive in and unlock your full potential to ace the SAT!

Preparing for the SAT

1. Put effort into classes and read in your free time

Devoting yourself to your academic classes is a great start towards academic success. But why not take it a step further and cultivate a reading habit in your free time? By expanding your literary horizons in addition to your academic pursuits, you can gain a deeper understanding of your subjects and the world around you. And don't just focus on your core subjects like English, history, math, and science -- explore new genres and topics that interest you. Not only will this improve your overall knowledge, but it will also give you a wider range of experiences to draw from when tackling SAT content. With a well-rounded education and a broad perspective, you'll be able to approach the SAT with confidence and a deep understanding of the material.

2. Plan and book your testing date and facility early

To ensure a smooth and stress-free testing experience, it is highly recommended that you plan and book your testing date and facility well in advance. This will not only alleviate the potential difficulties of finding a location close to your home, but it will also give you ample time to prepare and review the materials necessary for the test. Moreover, booking early will allow you to have a better selection of testing dates and times, which can be especially helpful if you have a busy schedule or other commitments. Additionally, by booking your testing date and facility in advance, you can also reduce the likelihood of encountering any unexpected circumstances that may interfere with your ability to take the test on your desired date. Therefore, it is strongly advised that you take the necessary steps to secure your testing arrangements as soon as possible to ensure a successful testing experience.

3. Commit to your chosen testing date and give ample preparation time

After you have set your testing date, it's important to stick to it. While rescheduling may seem like an easy option, it can actually decrease your motivation and hinder your progress. Instead, try to fully commit to your original date and work towards it. If you give yourself two to three months for preparation, you'll have plenty of time to review all the material and practice your skills. It's also a good idea to consider taking the SAT during your junior year, as this can often lead to the best results. By planning ahead and staying dedicated to your goals, you can increase your chances of success and achieve the scores you need for your future endeavors.

How to study for the SAT

4. Establish a study routine and fixed study schedule

Consistency is indeed one of the most important factors that contribute to achieving success in SAT preparation. To achieve consistency, it is not only important to set up a fixed study schedule but also to make sure that it is realistic and feasible. This means that you need to take into account your other commitments, such as school, extracurricular activities, and social life, and plan your study schedule accordingly. It is also important to remember that studying for the SAT should not be a burden but a routine that you can enjoy and find fulfilling. Therefore, it is essential to find a study method that works for you and that you can stick to in the long run. This could include setting up a study group, using a variety of study materials, and taking regular practice tests to track your progress and identify areas for improvement. Ultimately, by being consistent in your SAT preparation, you can boost your confidence, reduce stress, and increase your chances of achieving your desired score.

5. Utilize Khan Academy study plans and customize your own plan

Khan Academy is a great resource for those looking to improve their knowledge and skills. One way to take advantage of this resource is by using the study plans that are tailored to your available time. These study plans are designed to help you maximize your learning potential and achieve your goals. By customizing these plans to suit your specific needs, you can create an effective study approach that works for you. In addition, Khan Academy offers a variety of resources, including video lessons, practice exercises, and interactive quizzes, to help you master a wide range of subjects. Whether you're preparing for an exam, looking to brush up on a particular topic, or simply interested in learning something new, Khan Academy has something for everyone. So why not start exploring today and see how this amazing resource can help you achieve your academic and personal goals?

6. Schedule full-length practice tests with time constraints

To get the most out of your SAT preparation, it is important to simulate the real SAT experience as much as possible. One way to achieve this is to schedule and take full-length practice tests under timed conditions. By doing so, you not only become familiar with the test format, but also develop your time management skills, which are essential to performing well on the actual test. In addition, taking practice tests can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and adjust your study plan accordingly. Furthermore, it can also help you build your test-taking confidence and reduce anxiety on test day. Therefore, make sure to incorporate practice tests into your SAT preparation and treat them as an essential part of your study routine.

7. Strategies for building speed and accuracy

To improve your performance on test day, it is important to engage in regular practice and become familiar with the various question formats on the SAT. In order to build speed and accuracy, it is recommended that you take advantage of resources such as practice exams, study guides, and online tutorials. Additionally, seeking feedback from experienced test-takers or tutors can provide valuable insights into effective strategies for approaching different types of questions. By investing time and effort into honing your skills, you can feel confident and prepared when taking the SAT.

8. Track and analyze mistakes and weaknesses for targeted improvement

It is crucial to maintain a detailed record of every question that you miss, along with a thorough analysis of why and how you made those mistakes. By doing this, you can identify patterns that highlight your weaknesses and areas where you need to concentrate on improving. Additionally, keeping track of your mistakes will help you identify the specific topics and concepts that you need to focus on in order to improve your overall performance. This, in turn, will enable you to develop a more effective study plan and make more efficient use of your time. Remember, the key to success is not just hard work, but also smart work, and by analyzing and understanding your mistakes, you can work smarter and achieve your goals more effectively.

9. Maximize reading and writing skills through extensive reading

One way to improve your reading and writing abilities is to immerse yourself in a variety of materials, such as books, articles, and poetry, as this will expose you to different writing styles, vocabulary, and perspectives. By reading different types of materials, you can also improve your comprehension skills and intuition, which can be especially helpful when tackling the SAT's reading and writing sections. Additionally, reading and analyzing different types of texts can help you develop critical thinking skills, as you learn to interpret and evaluate information from multiple sources and perspectives. Finally, writing on a regular basis - whether it be in a journal, for a school assignment, or even on social media - can help you hone your writing skills and develop your own unique writing voice. So, while simply reading and writing more may seem like an obvious piece of advice, it truly is one of the most effective ways to improve your reading and writing abilities in the long run.

Math section study tips

10. Get a general overview of all math topics on the SAT

To ensure that you are fully prepared for the math section of the SAT, it is recommended that you begin your studies with a comprehensive review of all the math topics covered in the exam. This initial overview will not only help you refresh your memory and identify areas that require more focused attention, but it will also give you a better understanding of the overall structure and content of the math section. Moreover, a general review will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that you can build upon as you move on to more advanced topics and challenges. Therefore, taking the time to thoroughly review all the math topics covered in the SAT is a crucial first step in achieving success on the exam.

11. Identify weak areas and focus on improvement

In order to improve your math skills, it is important to not only take practice tests, but also to analyze your mistakes and identify your weak areas. This self-reflection will allow you to concentrate on the specific concepts that you need to improve upon. However, it is important to remember that improving these areas will not only enhance your math skills, but also improve your overall academic performance and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, seeking guidance from a teacher or tutor can be extremely beneficial in addressing these weak areas and solidifying your understanding of the subject matter.

12. Learn shortcuts and tricks to solve problems efficiently

Improving your efficiency in the math section can be highly advantageous during the test. One way to do this is by learning a variety of shortcuts and tricks to solve problems more quickly, which will not only save you valuable time but can also boost your confidence. Additionally, understanding how to approach different types of math problems can help you avoid getting stuck on one question for too long. This can allow you to move through the test at a more efficient pace, giving you more time to double-check your work and catch any errors you may have made. Finally, practicing math problems regularly can help build your speed and accuracy, which can improve your overall performance on the test.

Motivation tips

13. Write down your goal score as a daily reminder

Keeping your goal score in mind is crucial for achieving it. One way to do this is to consistently write it down on a sticky note and place it somewhere visible, such as on your mirror. This not only serves as a reminder of what you're working towards, but it also helps establish a daily habit of focusing on your goal and taking action towards it. Plus, seeing your goal score regularly can provide motivation and encouragement to keep working towards it, especially on days when you may feel discouraged or unfocused. So don't underestimate the power of a simple sticky note in helping you achieve your goals!

A student studying in front of computer, surrounded by trees

14. Eliminate distractions like social media

To increase your productivity and focus during study sessions, you may consider temporarily removing social media apps from your phone or computer. Rather than just minimizing distractions, this can help you establish a more intentional approach to your studies. Additionally, you may want to create a specific study space that is free from distractions, such as a quiet room or a designated desk area. Setting specific goals for each study session and tracking your progress can also help you stay focused and motivated. Finally, taking short breaks to stretch, meditate, or engage in other relaxing activities can help you recharge and avoid burnout, ultimately improving your overall productivity and success in your studies.

15. Create visual reminders of the SAT date and countdown

In order to maintain motivation and focus during your SAT preparation, you may want to consider utilizing a variety of different visual reminders. For example, you could create a lock screen on your phone or computer that features a countdown to the date of the SAT. This can serve as a daily reminder of the importance of your preparation and help keep you on track with your study schedule. Additionally, you might want to create a visual progress chart or calendar that allows you to track your progress as you work through different practice materials and study guides. This can be a great way to stay motivated and celebrate your successes along the way. Finally, you may also want to consider using visual mnemonics or memory aids to help you retain important information. For example, you could create a visual image or diagram to help you remember key vocabulary words or formulas. By using a combination of different visual reminders, you can create a study environment that is engaging, effective, and tailored to your unique learning style.

16. Focus on one attempt to maximize effort and results

One way to approach the SAT is to treat it as a singular opportunity to showcase your abilities and maximize your potential. This mindset can be empowering and motivating, allowing you to give it your all. You can view the SAT as a chance to not only demonstrate your academic skills but also your critical thinking, problem-solving, and time-management abilities. By preparing well and approaching the test with a positive attitude, you can increase your confidence and reduce test anxiety. Additionally, you can leverage your SAT score to enhance your college applications, scholarships, and career prospects. Therefore, it is important to invest time and effort in studying and practicing for the SAT, as it can have a significant impact on your future success.

17. Reward yourself for studying accomplishments

To maintain a positive and enjoyable studying experience, it is important to set realistic goals and break down the material into manageable chunks. One way to do this is by rewarding yourself for accomplishments, such as completing practice tests or reaching study milestones. However, it is also important to keep in mind that reward-based motivation can only take you so far. In addition to rewards, it is important to cultivate a strong intrinsic motivation, by finding personal meaning and value in the material you are studying. This can involve exploring connections between the material and your personal interests or values, or finding ways to apply what you are learning in real-world contexts. By combining extrinsic rewards with intrinsic motivation, you can create a more sustainable and fulfilling studying experience.

Final preparations and test day

18. Review missed questions and understand correct answers

In the final study sessions leading up to the SAT, it is important to not only review previously missed questions, but to also thoroughly understand the reasoning behind the correct answers. This can involve taking a closer look at the underlying concepts and principles being tested, as well as identifying any common patterns or trends in the types of questions that you struggled with in the past. Additionally, it may be helpful to seek out additional practice materials or work with a tutor to reinforce your understanding of key concepts and strategies for approaching different types of questions. By taking these steps, you can feel confident and well-prepared when it comes time to take the SAT exam.

19. Relax and have fun the night before the SAT

To minimize stress on test day, it is important to start preparing well in advance. This includes creating a study schedule and sticking to it, taking regular breaks, and practicing good sleep hygiene. In addition, the night before the SAT, it can be helpful to engage in relaxing activities such as yoga, meditation, or reading a book. This will help you clear your mind and feel more focused on test day. It is also important to eat a healthy dinner the night before and to avoid stimulants such as caffeine or sugar. By taking these steps, you can ensure that you are well-rested and prepared to perform at your best on test day.


What does SAT stand for?

The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. It assesses your readiness for college and is used by many colleges and universities as part of their admissions process. The test measures your skills in reading, writing, and mathematics, and the scores are used to evaluate your academic abilities and potential for success in higher education.

Is the SAT or PSAT harder?

The difficulty level of the SAT and PSAT can vary for individual students, as each test assesses different levels of preparedness. However, generally speaking, the SAT is considered more challenging than the PSAT. When you take the PSAT, it serves as a helpful tool to gauge your strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for improvement before you take the official SAT. The PSAT is shorter in length and has fewer questions compared to the SAT. Additionally, the PSAT does not include an essay section, while the SAT does. The content of both tests is similar, but the SAT may have more complex and difficult questions.

How many people get 1600 on SAT?

Achieving a perfect score of 1600 on the SAT is a remarkable accomplishment, but it is relatively rare. The percentage of test-takers who earn a perfect score on the SAT varies from year to year. While the number of perfect scorers is small compared to the total number of test-takers, it is challenging to provide an exact figure as the data changes annually.

The number of students who score a perfect 1600 on the SAT depends on various factors, including the difficulty level of the specific test administration and the overall performance of the test-takers. It is essential to remember that the SAT is designed to differentiate among students with varying levels of academic ability, and only a small percentage of students typically achieve a perfect score.

How often can you take the SAT?

As a test-taker, you can take the SAT as many times as you want. The College Board does not limit the number of times you can take the test. However, it is recommended that you plan your test-taking schedule carefully. Taking the test multiple times can help improve your scores, but it is important to allow enough time for preparation between test administrations. Additionally, some colleges may consider all of your SAT scores during the admissions process, so it's important to target your preparation and review your previous test performances to identify areas of improvement. Be sure to research and consider the specific requirements of the colleges you want to apply to, as individual colleges may have their own policies regarding SAT scores.


You now have a comprehensive SAT preparation guide to help you achieve your goal score. Stay motivated, maintain a disciplined study routine, and implement these strategies to maximize your SAT success. Good luck on your journey towards your best SAT score! Remember, success comes with dedication and perseverance. You've got this!

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